Saturday, October 13, 2007

Post Installation Steps For ECC 5.0

What are the post installation steps after I have installed the Central Instance and Database instance?

Initial Consistency Check


1. Logon to the newly refreshed SAP system and run transaction SM28

2. Ensure that no errors are reported. Otherwise, take the necessary steps to correct the problems.

Edit Batch Jobs

1. Set the fields as follows

Job name: RDDIMPDP*

User name: *

Job Status: Released and Ready checked off, all others unchecked

Fr: 01/01/0001

To: 12/31/9999

Or after event: *

2. Press F8 to execute the query

3. Highlight the first job in the list and press the CTRL+F11 to change the job.

4. Examine the Exec Target field.

a. If the box is empty, press F3 to exit

b. If the box is not empty, then clear out the contents so the field is blank and press CTRL+S to save

Repeat Steps 3 and 4 *for* each additonal job listed.

Workbench Organizer Reconfiguration

Logon on to client 000 of the newly refreshed system with DDIC.


1. Select the Database Copy or migration option

2. Press the Post-installation Processing button.

3. When prompted Do you want to re-install the CTS?, press the Yes button

4. When prompted *for* the Source System of Database Copy?, make sure that the SID of the production system is selected. Press the checkmark button to continue.

5. When prompted Change originals from PRD to QUA?, press the Yes button

6. When prompted Delete TMS Configuration?, press the Yes button

7. When prompted Delete old TMS configuration?, press the Yes button

8. When prompted Delete Old Versions of transport routes?, press the No button

TMS Configuration

1. Logon on to client 000 of the newly refreshed system.


1. Upon starting STMS, a windows with the title TMS: Include System in Transport Domain should be displayed

2. The information on *this* screen is automatically filled out from information provided during the SAP installation and should be correct. If it correct, then enter a description *for* the system and press CTRL+S to save. Otherwise, press the Other configuration button and manually configure.

3. From the Overview menu, select Transport Routes

4. From the Configuration menu, select Adjust with Controller

5. Press the Yes button when prompted *if* you want copy the transport routes from the controller.

Import Printers

1. Logon on to the production client of the newly refreshed system.


2. Press F5 to go to the *import* Overview.

3. Double click on the SID of the newly refresh system

4. From the Extras menu select Other Requests, then Add.

5. In the Transp. Request box, enter the transport number containing the printer definitions that was exported. Press Enter to save.

6. Select the transport that was just added to the queue and press CTRL+F11 to start the import.

7. In the Target client box, enter the productive client of the newly created system. Press Enter to save.

8. Press the Yes button to start the transport.

Client Configuration


1. From the Table view menu, select Display -> Change

2. When warned that the table is cross-client, press the checkmark button.

3. Double click on one of the non-system clients (i.e. not client 000, 001 or 066)

4. Define client as follows:

Client role: Test

Changes and transports *for* client-specific object: Changes without automatic recording

Client-independent object changes: Changes to repository and cross-client customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison tool: Protection level 0

Restrictions when starting CATT and eCATT: eCATT and CATT allowed

5. Press CTRL+S to save.

6. Repeat steps 4 through 6 *for* any additional clients

Set System Change Option

1. Press the System Change Option button.

2. Set the global setting to Modifiable

3. From the Edit menu, select Software Components Modifiable

4. From the Edit menu, select Namespaces Modifiable

5. Press CTRL+S to save.

Import Users

1. Press F5 to go to the Import overview

2. Double click on the SID of the newly refreshed system.

3. Press F5 to refresh the list of transports

4. Locate the transport in the list containing the user exports done before the start of the refresh. If the transport is NOT in the list, then from the Extras menu, select Other requests then Add. Enter the transport number and press Enter. Then press the Yes button to add the transport.

5. Highlight the transport and press the Import request icon.

6. At the client *import* screen, enter the target client and then press the Import button.

7. Press Enter to confirm that the *import* will proceed.


1. Run the Post Client Import Processing.

2. The transport number should be the same as that of the transport started in STMS.

3. Schedule the job to run in the background. Do NOT schedule it to run immediately. We need to modify the job before it can be released.

4. Press CTRL+S to save.


1. Set the fields as follows


User name: *

Job Status: All options checked

Fr: 01/01/0001

To: 12/31/9999

Or after event: *

2. Highlight the job that was created by SCC7 and press CTRL+F11 to modify the job.

3. Press the Step button.

4. Select the RSCLXCOP line and press CTRL+SHIFT+F7 to modify that step.

5. In the User box, enter the background user *for* that particular system (i.e BGDUSER, SAPBATCH, BATCHSAP).

6. Press CTRL+S to save the changes

7. Press F3 to go back to the main job screen.

8. Press the Start condition button.

9. Press the Immediate button.

10. Press CTRL+S to save the changes

11. Press CTRL+S again to save all the changes to the job.

12. Job will start immediately once saved. Press F8 to refresh the list of jobs

13. Continue to press F8 every once in a *while* to update the status of the job. Do not *continue* until the job is completed sucessfully.


1. From the Table view menu, select Display -> Change

2. When warned that the table is cross-client, press the checkmark button.

3. Double click on one of the non-system clients (i.e. not client 000, 001 or 066)

4. Set the Protection to Protection level 1

5. Press CTRL+S to save.

6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 *for* any additional clients

Deleting Source System Profiles

1. From the Utilities menu, select Import Profiles then Of Active Servers.

(Note: All application servers of the target system must be started)

2. If the Display Profile Check Log screen is displayed, press F3 to leave *this* screen.

3. Select the Profile field and press F4 to bring up a list of profiles.

4. From the list select one of the profiles associated with the source production system.

5. From the Profile menu, select Delete, then All versions, then of a profile.

6. When prompted, press the Yes button to delete all version of the profile

7. When prompted to delete the file at the operating system level, press the No button.

8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 *for* all additional profiles associated with the source system

Reconfigure Operation Modes

1. From the Operation Mode menu, select Timetable

2. Select Normal Operation and press the Change button.

3. Highlight 00:00 in the left hand column and press the Delete Assignment button

4. If all the assignments are not deleted, then highlight the start time of the outstanding assignment and press the Delete Assignment button.

5. Once all the assignments are deleted, press CTRL+S to save.

6. If warned about an empty timetable, press the checkmark button and then press Yes to save the empty timetable.

7. Press F3 to go back to the main RZ04 screen.

8. Right click on one of the listed Operation modes and select Delete

9. Press the Yes button to confirm the deletion.

10. Repeat steps 8 through 9 *for* any additional operation modes

11. Press F5 to create a *new* operation mode.

12. Enter a name and *short* description *for* the operation mode

13. Press CTRL+S to save.

14. Press F6 to create a *new* Instance

15. From the Settings menu, select Based on current settings, then New Instances, then Set

16. Press F3 to go back to the main RZ04 screen.

17. Press the Yes button to save

18. From the Operation Mode menu, select Timetable

19. Select Normal Operation and press the Change button.

20. Highlight the 00:00 at the top and press F2

21. Highlight the 00:00 at the bottom and press F2

22. Press the Assign button.

23. Press F4 to select the operation mode created above.

24. Press CTRL+S to save.

Delete Update Failures

1. Set the fields as follows

Client: *

User: *

From data: 01/01/0001

From time: 00:00:00

2. Press Enter to display the list of outstanding update requests

3. If ALL the outstanding update requests have a status of ERR, then it is safe to delete these requests by pressing F5 to select all records, then selecting the Update Records menu, then Delete.

4. Press the Continue button to confirm the deletion.

Delete Batch Input Sessions

1. From the Edit menu, select Select All

2. Press Shift+F2 to delete all the batch input sessions.

3. Press the checkmark button to confirm

4. Press the Yes button to start the delete.

Reorganize Spool

1. From the Administration menu select Clean-up Spool

2. Check all check boxes and enter 0 *for* minimum age

3. Press the Execute button

4. Once complete, press F3 twice to get back to the main SPAD screen

5. From the Administration menu select Check Consistency

6. Press the Delete All button.


1. From the TemSe database menu, select Consistency check

2. When the check is complete, press the Delete All button.

Delete Invalid Background Control Objects

1. Press F8 to *switch* in to change mode

2. Press the Cleanup List button.

Restrict Outgoing Email and Faxes

1. Double click on the green Fax entry

2. From the Supported Address Types area, press the Set button that is beside Fax

3. In the Address area, ADJUST AS NECESSARY

4. Double click on the green SMTP entry

5. From the Supported Address Types area, press the Set button that is beside Internet

6. In the Address area, ADJUST AS NECESSARY

Adjust RFC connections.

1. Expand the TCP/IP connections section

2. Double click on the first entry listed

3. Check the gateway host and gateway server to make sure it points to the appropriate NON-PRODUCTION system. Make changes as necessary.

4. Press the Test Connection button to test the connection

5. Press CTRL+S and then F3 to save and *return* to the list of RFCs.

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 *for* each additional RFC connection

Convert Logical Systems

Under no circumstances perform *this* procedure on a Production system


1. When warned to read the documentation, press the checkmark button.

2. In the Old logical system name box, press F4

3. Select one of the production Logical System names that needs be changed (i.e.WIIPRD400)

4. In the New logical system name, enter what that logical system name should be called on *this* newly refreshed system (i.e.WIITRN400)

Note: Ignore Error/Warning about duplicate system by clicking on the check mark.

5. De-select the Test Run and Existence check on *new* names in tables options

6. From the Program menu, select Execute in background

7. Press the checkmark button when asked to select a spool device

8. Press the Immediate button when asked *for* the schedule

9. Press Ctrl+S to save

10. Use SM37 to monitor the job

11. When job is complete, repeat steps 2 through 10 *for* any additional logical system names that need to be changed.

Adjust Logical Systems names


1. Expand Sending and Receiving Systems, then Logical Systems

2. Click on the execute icon beside Define Logical System

3. Press the checkmark button to confirm that the change is cross client

4. …

Allow Certains Settings to be modifiable

(Refer to Note 356483 *for* more Details)


1. Enter V_T001B in the Table/View box.

2. Select the Generated Objects option.

3. Press the Create/Change button.

4. Enter any access keys *if* requested

5. Change the Recording routine to no, or user, recording routine.

6. Press Ctrl+S to save

7. Press Enter *if* warned that you are changing a function group that doesn't belong to you.

8. You are prompted *for* transport. Create a *new* local transport.

9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 *for* the following objects. You can specify the same transport you created above.




BSI Configuration (R3 HR Systems only)


1. Expand TCP/IP Connections

2. Highlight BSI70-US-TAX and press the Change button

3. Change the program field to

4. Double check the target host and gateway point to the correct server

5. Press CTRL+S to save

6. Press the Test connection button to test. If the connect is not successful, take the
necessary steps to resolve the issue.


1. In the Program field, enter RPUBTCU0

2. Press F8 to execute

3. Select option BSI version 7.0

4. Press F8 to execute

5. BSI should *return* tax calculations. If there are errors, take the necessary steps to

Reconfigure DB13 schedule

1.Using the printout created before the refresh, recreate the DB13 calendar.

Client Configuration

1. From the Table view menu, select Display -> Change

2. When warned that the table is cross-client, press the checkmark button.

3. Double click on one of the non-system clients (i.e. not client 000, 001 or 066)

4. Define clients as follows depending on client role


Client role: Customizing

Changes and transports *for* client-specific object: Automatic recording of changes

Client-independent object changes: Changes to repository and cross-client customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison tool: Protection level 0

Restrictions when starting CATT and eCATT: eCATT and CATT allowed

Quality Assurance

Client role: Test

Changes and transports *for* client-specific object: No changes allowed

Client-independent object changes: No Changes to repository and cross-client customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison tool: Protection level 0

Restrictions when starting CATT and eCATT: eCATT and CATT allowed


Client role: Education

Changes and transports *for* client-specific object: No changes allowed

Client-independent object changes: No Changes to repository and cross-client customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison tool: Protection level 0

Restrictions when starting CATT and eCATT: eCATT and CATT allowed


Client role: Test

Changes and transports *for* client-specific object: Changes without automatic recording

Client-independent object changes: Changes to repository and cross-client customizing allowed

Protection: Client copier and comparison tool: Protection level 0

Restrictions when starting CATT and eCATT: eCATT and CATT allowed

5. Press CTRL+S to save.

6. Repeat steps 4 through 6 *for* any additional clients

Set System Change Option

Skip *this* section of the system is a Development or Sandbox System.


1. Press the System Change Option button.

2. Set the global setting to Not Modifiable

3. Press +S to save.

Release Background Jobs

Currently, all background jobs, except *for* system standard jobs have been placed on hold (status scheduled).

How To Do the TMS Configuration?

We have two systems with version ECC 5.0

The SID is

XY1 - Development & Quality

XY6 - Production

Now we need to configure TMS between these two systems by assigning XY1 as domain controller. I beleive we also need to establish an RFC Connection for this. Also explain how to update the local files of this systems?

How can I make through it?

First decide which system you would like to define DOMIAN controller. Configure the Domain Controller Steps to configure


1. Login to the system with sap* in client 000

2. Goto SE06.

3. Click Post installation activities

4. Goto STMS

5. It will ask for Domain controller name.

6. Enter DOMAIN_ as domain controller name and enter the description.

7. Click Save button

Steps to add the other system with Domain controller


1. Login to system with sap* in client 000

2. Goto SE06

3. Click Post installation activities

4. Goto STMS

5. It will ask for Domain controller name.

6. Enter System ID of the Domain controller

7. Enter DOMAIN_ as domain controller name and enter the description.

8. Click Save button

9. Login to Domain controller system

10. Approve the added system.

Information on how the OPS$ Users Work

Does anyone have information or a good understanding of how the OPS$ users work and operate under an Oracle SAP environment.

I would greatly appreciate some assistance as I have problems with my Brconnect and Brbackup within DB13 due to the OPS$ users.

I need info on how to permanently delete the OPS$ users and then recreate it, due to the fact that I have incorrect OPS$ users in some of the tables affected by the OPS$ users.

Below is the document I have prepared on recreating the OPS$ machanism. It helped me solve all my problem on DB13 and also on Schema owner connecting to database.

Hope this could help you.

Also refer to the following sapnotes:

1. 400241 : Problem withe ops$ or sapr3 connect to oracle

2. 134592 : Importing the SAPDBA role (sapdba_role.sql)

3. 361641 : Creating OPS$ users on UNIX

4. 50088 : Creating OPS$ users on Windows NT/Oracle

5. 437648 : DB13: External program terminated with exit code 1/2


select owner from dba_tables where table_name='SAPUSER';

## If owner is not the sid you require, then drop the table SAPUSER

Drop table "".SAPUSER;


Drop table "domain\OPS$SIDadm".SAPUSER;


# Check whether OPS$adm user exist, if no then create it

create user OPS$SIDadm default tablespace psapuser1d temporary tablespace psaptemp identified


# if exist then drop it;


# Grant connect & resource roll to OPS$ADM;

grant connect, resource to OPS$SIDADM;

# Creat table SAPUSER


# update "OPS$ADM.SAPUSER with the follwoing command

insert into "OPS$SIDADM".SAPUSER values ('SAPR3', 'sap'); #sap =

# Under NT it is required that user sapservice can also access the SAPUSER table. In order to avoid problems with the data consistency, it does not make sense to create an additional

SAPUSER table having the same contents. You should rather define a synonym. Check if a suitable

Synonym exists by using the following call:



create public synonym sapuser for OPS$SIDADM.SAPSUER;

# if synonym already exists drop the existing synonym by the following command

drop public synonym sapuser;

#If another name is returned as first value:


# AND CREAT it again with above command

# To allow access to the synonym (or the associated table), a grant needs to be executed.

The authorization for this has only the ops$ user who is the owner of the actual table - that is ops$adm.

Therefore, you need to log on with the corresponding operating system user (adm) and execute the following commands:


# Now you can recreate the synonym (not PUBLIC, if possible):



# COMMIT AFTER COMPLETION of the activity & restart the DB

SAP Language Error when logging in after Upgrade to 40B

we have recently upgraded our system from 3.1H/Oracle 7.3.3/HP-UX 10.20/CIN 2.1A to 4.0B/Oracle 8.0.4/HP-UX 10.20/CIN 2.2A.

Upgrade went fine without any major hassles.

After upgrade when I am logging in it is giving a message in an information dialogue box "Specified Language has not been installed completely".

How to correct the error ? Everything is fine other than this.

I also got the same error for the same situation.

Here is the solution:

The reason for this is that table TCPDB was not maintained in your system before the upgrade and the upgrade process was unable to import the special texts as it couldn/t find the correct codepage ( in TCPDB ).

This can be rectified by the following:

Logon to 000 client

1) Run program rscp0004 in transaction se38 and this will give u options to insert a codepage. Look for codepage 1100 in the list and press F2 on this line as suggested, to insert the codepage.

2) In transaction SMLT check the 'status' of the installed languages. You will probably find that its the 'special texts' that were not imported successfully ( because the codepage could not be found in TCPDB at the time of the upgrade )

3) Schedule a 'full' import of the 'special texts' for the languages that are affected. Plsease note that when scheduling these imports, the options for Customizing and Documentation are automatically ticked for selection. Please remove these to leave only the Special Text selected.

You can observe the progress of the imports with sm37. After successful completion, you can logon again and there should no longer be an error.

Comparing two SAP clients

Compares Customizing objects in two logical systems with transaction SCU0.

(clients in either the same R/3 System or different ones).

To compare objects, start the Customizing Cross-System Viewer in the logon client (client of the system in which you are logged on) and then logon in the compare client (client to be compared).

The Customizing Cross-System Viewer compares Customizing objects by the following criteria:

- Project IMG

This option shows changes in your project.

- Application components

This option compares Customizing objects in specified application areas.

- Business Configuration Sets

This option concentrates on Customizing settings which are of particular importance for the processes in your company.

- Transport requests

This option shows the objects which would be overwritten by a transport.

- Manual selection

In this option, you specify which objects are compared.

The compare client security level must be:

0 (unrestricted), or 1 (no overwriting)

You can set this in the client maintenance

You must also create a Remote Function Call link in

Find Your SAP Transport Request Number Even If You Forgot

If you happend to be one of those who forgot the transport request number of your abap program.

You can easily find it via the Versions Management.

Steps :-

Transaction SE38

Filled in your ABAP program name.

Then click Utilities -> Versions -> Version Management

SAP system will display this sample list :-

Versions: Report source ZPROGRAM

Version Cat Fla SAP Rel. Arch Request Date Time Author

Version(s) in the development database:








Version(s) in the version database:















Friday, October 12, 2007

Find transports imported into system by search criteria

To find transports imported in a particlar system log into it,

1. Use transaction se16

2. Table name is E070

3. Table contents

4. Enter your search criteria, by Name, Date, Time, etc.

Good to use if you suspect a problem in your system and want to trace back transports that went in that possibly could have caused the fault.

Transporting a Request From OS

To import a transport request from OS .

Basis - Changing Parameters for the Transport Control Program

Remove the import all request (big truck) button from STMS

To change the automatically generated profile parameters for the transport control program:

Log onto the SAP System functioning as the transport domain controller (the QA or PROD system).

Call Transaction STMS.

Choose Overview -> Systems.

The system overview appears.

Double click on the SAP System you want to change.

In the SAP System, click Configuration -> Change.

The screen Change TMS Configuration: System appears.

Choose the tab Transport tool.

First, all the global parameters are displayed and then all the local parameters.

The global parameters are identical for all SAP Systems in the domain.

To change a global parameter to a local parameter, you must delete the global parameter and enter the new local parameter.

The operating system is only displayed if values exist for this field.

Finally to remove the import all request (big truck) button from STMS

  • click the Insert Line (button)
  • Tick Global
  • Fill in Parameter = NO_IMPORT_ALL, Value = 1.
Save your entries.

If you enter a parameter unknown to the transport control program, or a value that is not permitted, the transport control program ignores this entry in the transport profile.

Restrict The Transport Access In Production

How to restrict the transport access in Production?

You can control by 2 way :

1. Limit the authorization object that can limit your transport activity, please use authorization object S_TRANSP and remove the value 60 (import) at your production server

2. Remove the STMS from the role.

List of transports that have been transported over a period

I need to know how we can get a list of transports transported over a period of time. I tried SCC3 but I'm not able to pull up the data. Is there any other way?

Example: List of transport request that have beem transported during Jan, Feb 20xx to production.

System Landscape: Dev-->Test--> Production
DB:--Oracle Machine--SUN
Appln Servers: AIX
SAP version: 4.6C

Goto STMS --> Import overview --> select the system which you want to see the log of import queue --> select goto--> import history --> there select the data coloum and set the filter as per your requirement.

You can also execute SE03, Requests/Tasks, Find Requests, in the production system or use SE16 to query table E070.

How to import mass transport request using SCC1 in local client?

We have 3 clients in development system , we need to import multiple requests at a time using SCC1 in another client. Using SCC1 I am able to select mass request at a time but not able to see mass transport menu.

How to do mass transport steps using SCC1 in local clients.

You could try using SCCL and select "Customising" Profile.

What is Role Transportation from development server to Production server. I have also create New role, but how to bring out the role to production server. We have installed IDES 4.7 Server.

In Development:


- Enter the Role to be transported in the text box.

- Click on truck symbol left corner of options bar

- then series of screens will appear.

- In one of the screen don't select user assignment.

It will also ask you the change request no.

After that go to TCD SE10 and release the request.

NOW go to stms and select Quality system and import the request into it. After testing you can import the request in PRD system.

Guideline to upgrade from 3.1 to 4.6 with HW upgrade at the same time

1. Do a system copy of the 3.1 instance to the new box.

2. Bring up 3.1 instance in new box.

3. Upgrade the Development/Staging instance and resolve all errors and issues. Create SPAU/SPDD modifications, if any.

4. Timing the upgrade processes - to determine how long the whole processes take.
Your managers will like to know how long it takes to complete the upgrade.

5. Do a system copy of the 3.1 instance to the new box again

6. Bring up 3.1 instance in new box.

7. Make the 3.1 instance in new box as the Production instance.

8. Make the 3.1 instance in the old box as the Development/Staging instance or a standby Production Box in case the upgrade fail.

9. Upgrade the Production instance as planned (i.e. 3 full working days).

10. Acceptance testing.


Using spam, trying to import SPAM UPDATE, I get the above message together with TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE.

1. tp works fine when I am doing transports (tp import devk90000 qas client=400 u1 or addtobuffer).

2. niping -t SELFTEST works fine

I worked through notes 44946 and 96907, but could not resolve the issue.

The support packages have been uploaded from the DEV box into the QAS queue. The DEV and QAS boxes are in the same centre on the network, by fibre. I am working on QAS.

I get this message in QAS:-

"SAP system is waiting for the inclus. in transport domain"

When trying to update the config from DEV client 000, I get this message:-

System DEV is unknown in the Transport Management System

An error occurred in the TMS communication layer.

System: QAS.DOMAIN_DEV(000)

System Response
The function terminates.

Log this system on to the Transport Management System.

If this error occurs in the function TMS_CI_CHECK_ACCESSTOKEN, then the TMS configuration was deleted in the R/3 System QAS.DOMAIN_DEV(000).

Configure the TMS in this R/3 System again.

You need to:

1. logon to the transport domain controller with admin user in client 000.

2. Run STMS

3. System overview

4. select QAS

5. Menu line option "SAP system" --> "Approve"

6. Distribute configuration

When you are logged on the transport domain server and run STMS --> System Overview. Is QAS listed? If so, select it and perform the checks under "SAP Systems" in menu line.

If they are not successful you might want to try the following to configure the TMS on QAS from scratch.

First delete QAS from system overview on the domain server.

Then do the following steps...

In your QAS system in client 000.

Run tcode SE06 --> Database copy or Database migration --> Perform post-installation actions.

Then confirm that you want to delete all old CTS/TMS config and type in QAS as source system for the database copy.

Then run STMS again and type in the correct data for the transport domain controller.

Logon to the transport domain controller in client 000. Run STMS. Open system overview.

Choose the SID of the QAS system and click on "SAP System" in the menu and choose Approve.

This will add the QAS system to your TMS config again.

Perform the checks from menu line "SAP Systems" again.

It seems like a lot maybe, but it only takes a couple of minutes to perform.

Transport of ABAP Query

I am involved in this upgrade project to 4.7

The users are not able to find any reports (in QA System) which were there before the upgrade in SQ01. But they can see them in production which is not yet upgraded. They want me to copy all the reports to the QA system now....I dont have any idea how to do that.

I remember a similar problem upgrading to 4.6C from 4.5B ......
Take a look at OOS note 672784.

You can transport queries between systems in SQ02 (hit the lorry button) or run program RSAQR3TR.

You download the infosets, queries etc into a file and load them into whichever system you wish.

Just wanted to share my experience of transporting queries:

I needed to move a user group, 2 infosets and 3 queries from a 4.6 system to a 4.7 system.
When I tried doing this via the SQ* transactions I did not get the import/export option, so instead ran RSAQR3TR.

Step 1. Run RSAQR3TR in 'old' system. Select EXPORT and specify the objects to be transported.
(System includes these in an automatically created transport request)

Step 2. Release this transport and request it be transported to 'new' system.
(This results in the entries being populated in transport table AQTDB in 'new' system).

Step 3. Run RSAQR3TR in 'new' system. Select IMPORT and tick the Overwrite checkbox. Specify the transport number in the field labelled 'dataset with imports'.
(RSAQR3TR gives the message that stuff has been imported OK).

Step 4. In my example I still couldn't find the queries, so ran RSAQR3TR one more time, this
time specifying 'Copy Standard Area -> Global Area'.

(Now my queries etc were available in new system).

Perhaps there are better ways, but after 1.5 days of struggling I was glad to get this far.

Upgrade SAP or Installation of SAP R/3 and ECC

What is ECC? Where to find the installation steps of ECC 5/6.0 with SQL as database and on windows platform with the steps including Solution Manager installation?

ECC means Enterprise Central Component.

There are all the relevant installation guides. You NEED SAPNet access because without a registered and licensed SolMan installation number you will not be able to generate the SolMan key for the ECC installation.

Upgrade to 4.7

Have you gone through an upgrade to 4.7?

What are the difference or changes associated with 4.7.

If you are currently on 4.6C and are inching forward to upgrading to 4.7 then this information might be useful to you.

There is very little difference between 4.6 and 4.7, the only "steps" you should need are steps in SU25 ( skip step 1) Then go through all your role and perform a merge old new to bring in the new authorization objects

Just to forewarn you of a potential problem which have been encounter at the point of writing.

After updating/ modifying roles in step 2C, when going back into 2C to make sure all roles are now green, 70% have gone back to red!

The maintenance done is ok, but there seems to be a problem while trying to go back into the roles again to re-generate.

SAP recognizes them as needing "adjustment", so you cannot pick them up in mass generate in PFCG as they do not come in, even though the authorizations tab is red.

This problem is currently with SAP and it is confirmed that nothing have been done wrongly.

Generally, the work is quite manageable in the upgrade, but don't be surprised at how big the upgrade is when compared to upgrading from 46b to 46c.

If we have full software of 46c and 47E is it possible to upgrade 46c to 47E or there is a seperate 47E upgrade software need to be requested from SAP?

Where I can get the document with upgrade steps on the service market place?

It is of course possible and supported:

--> SAP Components

--> SAP R/3 Enterprise

--> (choose your version)

at the bottom there is an "Upgrade guide" for Windows and Unix.

For Upgrades it is recommended to read ALL the notes mentioned in the
upgrade guide and to make sure one is using

- the correct version of the "tp" program

- the correct version of the "R3trans" program

- the correct version of the "R3up" program

All that is explained in the upgrade guide and in the corresponding notes.

If this is your first upgrade you should take a person, that has some experience on doing that for the first time.

Installation of SAP R/3

Currently we are going to install SAP on a new IBM server from the existing COMPAQ server. Where can I get the steps for that.

Configuration is :

OS - windows 2003 server
DB - Oracle 9i
SAP 4.7

--> SAP Components

--> SAP R/3 Enterprise

--> SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 2.00 (SR1)

--> Inst. Guide - R/3 Enterprise 4.7 x 2.00 SR1 on Win: Oracle

The above url is the SAP Service Marketplace with all the information you need to install, configure and run system. You need to be a valid licensed customer with a user ID and PASSWORD to use that.

Without access you won't be able to successfully run any SAP systems because it has notes, patches etc.

Transport Request within same Server Different Clients

I have 3 clients under one SID (dev 130,140,150).
And we have more than 400+ transport requests in client 130. How can we transport these requests to other clients of 140 & 150. If I want to use tcode SCC1, that can be done only one tran. request at one time.

Do I need to write a script within unix?

SAP 4.6C
Oracle 9.2
AIX 5.2


Click on the "import overview"

Double click on your target system

Click "refresh"

Click on "import all request" or ctrl+F9

Specify the target client

Execute the transport


But this will import all request.....thousands of them...

You can use Extended Transport Control.

Extended Transport Control is another way to set up the Transport Route so that the route is system and CLIENT specific.

In other words, when you release a change request in DEV Client 0XX it will not only automatically be added to the Import Queue for QAS but also 0X1, 0X2, of DEV.

To set this up requires the steps below:

1) Open the file TP_DOMAIN_DEV.PFL (located on your transport domain controller such as the DEV box. The file will be in usrsaptrans/bin)

Edit with notepad for each parameter on each system:


Change to =1

2) Next you need to create Target Group before creating the transport route.

Create a Target Group:
Access the initial screen of the graphical or the hierarchical editor in change mode. STMS > Overview > Transport Routes (the default editor will appear, either Hierarchical or Graphical, to change the default editor : STMS > Extras > Settings > Transport Routes. You can also switch to one or the other from Goto > Graphical Editor.)

> Configuration > Display Change > (or change icon or F5)

Edit > Transport Target Groups > Create

In the dialog box, Create Target Group:
Enter a name for the target group /GR_QA/ (The name must begin and end with a forward slash /)

...and a description Targets for Consolidation route

Choose "Insert line"
Enter the required target system/client combinations
Use a separate line for each client.


Target System
Target Client
Client Name



Quality Assurance System

The idea is that we want to include the clients that will get an addition to their import queue when we release a change request from DEV.

Choose Transfer

Now you have to change the transport route to include the Target Group you created.
STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes > Delete

Now create a Transport Route with Extented Transport Control:

STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes > Create > Extended Transport Control icon at lower left of dialog box. > Consolidation route, enter integration system and transport layer. In Target system/client enter the SID of either an R/3 System and a client or an existing Target Group.

Each System must be specified by System and Client. The Target Group can be used for the consolidation system.

Distribute and activate the changes as usual by choosing Configuration > Distribute and activate

NOTE: After you set up Extended Transport Control there might be requests in an import queue that will show a red status in the CTL column. This is because these change requests need a client specified before they can be imported. These are old requests that were already in the queue.

From Import Queue Screen Mark the change request

Choose Request > Target Client > Set

Enter the Target Client ID and choose Enter.

To change a target client before starting an import:

Import Queue Screen > mark Change request > target client > change > enter target client id and choose enter.

Hope this helps.

Transport guide Tips for Different SAP Objects

You may be wondering if you can transport certain SAP objects, and if possible, how?

Here are tips for different objects:

1 LSMW There are 2 ways for transporting LSMW data from a system to another.

1.1 Export/import This method gives you the opportunity to select the subprojects or objects you want to transfer. Hence you don't transfer the object a colleague might have created and that should stay in development system. LSMW -> Extras -> Export project

1.2 Transport request With this method, you can transport a LSMW project in full (you can not select the objects you want). With this method, the project will be transported as any other SAP object in a transport order.
LSMW -> Extras -> Create change request

2 Program variants

If you have several program variants in a development system that you want to transport, use the following method to transport them:
Execute program RSTRANSP (via se38) and inform the program and/or variant names (you can transport variant of several programs in one shot).

3 Layout In some transactions, one can save layout of the screen (sort, filter, ... criteria).

These layouts can be transported: In the required transaction, when your layouts have been saved, go to Settings -> Layout -> Layout Management. Select the desired layouts and go to Layout -> Transport… There you can add your layouts in existing TO or create a new one.

DB data

In some unusual cases, you might have to transport data of a SAP table.
Go to transaction SE16, select your entries and go to Table entry -> Transport entries. It's only possible for some tables...

If you cannot do it that way, you have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list.

Go in modification mode and add a new line with:

PgmID = R3TR
Obj = TABU
Object name = Name of your table

Double-click on the created line and, depending on your need, put '*' in the key field or double-click on it and select the key you need to transport.

4 Queries

Queries, datasets and user groups can be exported/imported between the systems thanks to the program RSAQR3TR.

5 Standard texts

Standard texts used in SAPScript (created with transaction SO10) can be included in transport orders. You have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list. Go in modification mode and add a new line with:

PgmID = R3TR
Obj = TEXT
Object name = TEXT,,ST,

Example :


You can also copy a Sapscript object (like standard text) with the program RSTXCPFS.

How to transfer a executable report from dev server to prd server? And that report contains one user defined view. I want to transfer *the report and the view* from dev to prd.

At the time of creating the report itself it will ask you to select the PACKAGE.

Here you should select the package instead of $TMP package, which for transporting the objects and create a new request and save it. If you want to give a TCode for the program that you have created just give SE93 in the GUI Window and give the TCode name there and enter the Create button. there you should give the name of the object or program that you have created and save it. After completing this go to SE09 TCode and select the MODIFIABLE Check box and press DISPLAY Button.

In the next screen you have to select the Request that you have created and click the check syntax icon. If no errors are there then you can press the Release Directy icon to transport the request to the Quality system. From there it has to be transported to the Production System. The latter part BASIS will take care.

Meaning behind those unconditional tp command mode

Can anyone tell me what's the meaning behind all those unconditional mode U1 or U126 or U148 or anything?

tp import transportrequest ,,sid,,, clientxxx U1
tp import transportrequest,,sid,, clientxxx U126
tp import transportrequest ,,sid,,clientxxx U148

Note: here ,,= <>

The u stands for unconditional force ( how hard you want to force the request into the system - do you want to overwrite without warnings, or softly try to load the objects).

1: Called a overtaker; change request can be imported from buffer without deleting it and then uncoditional mode 1 is used to allow another import in the correct location.

2: If U1 is used with the export then it ignores the correct status of the command file; and if it is used with import then it lets the user import the same change request again.

3: When used with tp export, it dictates the program to not to expand the selection with TRDIR brackets. If used in tp import phase, it overwrites the originals.

4: When used with tp import, it overwrites the system-dependant objects.

5: During the import to the consolidation system it permits the source systems other than the integration system.

6: When used in import phase, it helps to overwrite objects in unconfirmed repairs.

7: During import phase it ignores the limitations caused by the table classification.

8: During import it ignores that the system is locked for this kind of transport.

u128 is combination of 128 OF THE above points.

Function and Role of User Types

In "USER MAINTENANCE- SU01" --> in the "logon tab" there are 5 different "user type"

1. dialog
2. system
3. communication
4. service
5. reference

Kindly mention the function and role of all the above mentioned user types specifically and hows is one user type different from another.

These are as follows:-

1. Dialogue:-

For this kind of users:-
GUI login is possible.
Initial password and expiration of passowrd are checked.
Multi GUI logins are checked.

Usage:- These are used for GUI logins.

2. System

For this kind of users:-
GUI login is not possible.
Initial password and expiration of passowrd are not checked.

Usage:- These are used for internal use in system like background jobs.

3. Communication

For this kind of users:-
GUI login is not possible.
Users are allowed to change password through some software in middle tier.

Usage:- These are used for login to system through external systems like web application

4. Service

For this kind of users:-
GUI login is possible.
Initial password and expiration of passowrd are not checked.
Multiple logins are allowed.
Users are not allowed to change the password. Only admin can change the password

Usage:- These are used for anonymous users. This type of users should be given minimum

5. Reference

For this kind of users:-
GUI login is not ible.
Initial password and expiration of passowrd are not checked.

Usage:- These are special kind of users which are used to give authorization to other users.

Hide the User Menu

Is there a way of masking or hiding the User Menus as we are using SAP Standard Menu instead of User Based Menus?

To put it simple, when the user logs on to the system he should have only the SAP Standard Menu.

You have two ways to control this :

1. Default hide for all the SAP users.

Goto SM30 and edit the table SSM_CUST and set ALL_USER_MENUS_OFF = YES and transport the same in production server.


2. Hide based on individual SAP users.

you can also try SM30 and maintain table USERS_SSM for individual users.

What are user groups and how can we use them?

Your auditer asked you to implement user groups in SAP, but you have no idea what are user group.

Transaction SUGR - have a look. Purpose for example is to give certain system admin rights to unlock / change password only to a given user group. You assign user group to an user id via SU01.

User group can be used for different reasons and in different way.

In the latest versions of SAP, actually two types of usergroup exist, the authorization user group and the general user groups.

Naturally the main reason of user groups is to categorize user into a common denominator.

The authorization user group is used in conjunction with S_USER_GROUP authorization object. It allows to create security management authorization by user group. e.g. you can have a local security administrator only able to manage users in his groups, Help-Desk to reset password for all users except users in group SUPER, etc...

The general user group can be used in conjunction with SUIM and SU10, to select all the users in a specific group. User can only be member of one authorization user group but several general user group.

One of the Primary uses of user groups is to sort users into logical groups.

This allows users to be categorised in a method that is not dependent on roles/AG's/Responsibilities/Profiles etc.

User Groups also allow segregation of user maintenance, this is especially useful in a large organisation as you can control who your user admin team can maintain - an example would be giving a team leader the authority to change passwords for users in their team.

The most important factor identified is that the lack of user groups is an indication that there may be problems with the user build process. This is very "fuzzy" but is a bit of a warning flag.

The Auditors job is to provide assurance that SAP is set up and administered in a way that minimises risks to the financial data produced. If the only thing they have picked up on is the lack of usergroups then you will be fine.

If you are in any doubt whatsoever ASK THE AUDITOR. They would have produced a report listing why they feel there is a risk by not having User Groups implemented. If you feel that the risk is mitigated by other measures then let them know. It works best as a 2 way process and both parties can learn something.

How to delete expired roles?

Here are 3 notes you may want to review to see if there is any helpful info, plus some documentation that may be helpful for others....we are going from 40B to 47 and have had a few issues with role deletion

Notes: 312943 504412 & 313587

Additional info

First, the report PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY is functioning as designed. It was not designed to remove activity groups.

Second, in transaction SU10 you must have the valid from and valid to fields filled in with the actual dates, 04/08/2002, in order to remove the invalid activity group. You need to be sure that the remove user radio button set in the role tab. But in the profile tab, the add user radio button is selected by default.

What you have to do is go to profile tab and select the remove user radio button. You have to make sure both role and profile has the same radio button selected, i.e. remove from users. Only then when you click save, it will allow you to delete the role from user.

In transaction SU10, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Click on the Authorization data button.

2. Entry the users name, latimerc

3. Click on the execute button.

4. Put a check in front of the users name.

5. Click on the transfer button.

6. Now highlight the user.

7. Click on the pencil button.

8. Click on the Activity Groups tab.

9. Enter the profile name (PM_NOTIFICATION_PROCESSOR).

10. Enter the valid from and valid to dates (04/08/2002).

11. Change the radio buttons to remove user from both the Activity Group and Profile Tabs.

12. Click on the trash can.

In another customer message the following was provided by developement:

We don't have a regular functionality for mass deletion of roles. But if you want to avoid the deletion by hand or with an own created report, I would suggest the following:

The attached note 324962 includes the report ZDELETE_RY_T_AGRS which could delete all roles with names like 'T_....' or 'RY....'. The report gives you a list of all these roles and deletes then the selected ones. You can modify the report to get all your roles in the selection list. Therefore you have to change the following:

( AGR_NAME(2) = 'T_' OR AGR_NAME(2) = 'RY' ). <<<>


Text from an additional customer message as further help:

- go on role tab

- select remove from user

- enter ZR.PRD.GENERIC and date : 06/04/2002 12/31/9999

- go to profile tab

- select remove from user

- save

- do the same for ZR:HR:ESS from 01/01/2002 to 12/31/9999 and worked
from date for testid was 01/01/2002 and testid2 02/01/2002 and the 2 assignement were deleted And the roles were removed from the 2 UMR.

So it works as designed.